Classic Tuna Sandwich
We all have that can of tuna lurking in the pantry that stares at you every time you go hunting for a snack. We think now is the time to use it!
We love a nostalgic, classic tuna sandwich, so unpretentious and so comforting. You either go completely old school with nothing but mayo or you brighten things up a bit with crunchy celery and fresh herbs. Whatever your preferences, wear it proud — us tuna sandwich fans of the world must stick together.
For the tuna
- 1 can of chunk tuna (142grams)
- 1/4 cup of mayonnaise
- 1/4 of a red onion (about 3 tbsp), finely chopped
- 1 celery stalk, finely chopped
- 1 tbsp chopped dill
- 1 sprig of tarragon, leaves removed and chopped
- 1/4 tsp onion powder
- salt and pepper, to taste
In a medium-size bowl mix the tuna with the mayonnaise, red onion, celery, dill, tarragon, onion powder, salt & pepper till combined well.
To assemble and serve
- 2 slices For the Love of Bread country sourdough bread, toasting is optional
- 2 tbsp dijon mustard
- prepared tuna
- handful of arugula or lettuce of your choice
- tomato, 3-4 slices
Spread the dijon mustard on one-side of both slices of bread. Spoon the tuna over one slice of bread. Add the arugula (or lettuce) and tomato slices on top. Place the other slice of bread on top (dijon spread sides inwards) and close into a sandwich. Enjoy!